Thursday, August 18, 2011

New update, new glitches!

Ok, first things first: The update. New animal, new pet, new den items, new newspaper, and you are now able to change the color of your DEN items. Well, members can, anyways. Ok, the new animal (member) is a CROCODILE! They might have gotten the idea from Snowy's blog's poll. The new pet: The cute and cuddly hamster! New den items: Sectional sofa (members) and rectangular table. The new newspaper does have a secret massage in it! But I'm going to make you, jammers, figure it out!

Ok, now for the glitch I found. I'm sure there are plenty more, but the one I found is that if you hit the "play" button, then you stop hitting it, your character will still play!

One last thing. The bee glitch? GONE!



  1. Oh, sorry i didn't have any pictures!

  2. Oh! also, there are the new clothes, dragon hat, and ninja mask!

  3. Lol! Turns out it wasn't a glitch at all! XD silly me!


1.Be nice.
2.Try to stay on subject
3.Dont have something nice to say DONT SAY IT!
I will enforce this.I WILL ban those who break these few rules time and time again.