Friday, October 28, 2011

Total FAIL

Hey guys...The Halloween Party was a FAIL.Only TWO people showed up!(Three including me)Claska and Bunnylove.Thank you two for coming at least!I'm  not even bothering for a second try.It's just going to happen again.Maybe DCP just won't have parties.


  1. omg, im soooooo sorry!!!!! im not allowed to get on execpt weekends anymore.... -.-
    but im so sorry!!!

  2. and im really sorry about that fight. i didn't mean to start something like that!

  3. guess what? i get AJ membership tomorrow! sooooo excited! ill post once i get it!!!! :):):):):):)

  4. oh, and can you accept the trade for that rare wolf? i didn't know it was rare when i traded it!!!! i feel bad....

  5. on chicken smoothy, lol, forgot to mention! XD

  6. my mom is going to take me to safeway to get a member card once i finish my homework!!!!! yay!!!!

    only, like, 25 problems left! O.o

  7. homework= DONE!
    now i need to wait for my mom to get home!!!!

    longest. few. hours. EVER!

  8. bigcatsfoever DCP MOD is very happy today!30 October, 2011

    Darling I got my all time item I wanted on animal jam! A Reindeer Mask! :D


1.Be nice.
2.Try to stay on subject
3.Dont have something nice to say DONT SAY IT!
I will enforce this.I WILL ban those who break these few rules time and time again.