Monday, January 2, 2012

Running glitch.

ok, so i was in bunnylove3's den, and i noticed there was a person up in the corner, but only their name tag was in screen. i got closer, and saw it was a second bunnylove, just running, running, running, going nowhere, getting nowhere. nobody else could see her, though. and when i clicked on her name tag, it acted as if it was the real bunnylove. I'm to lazy to get a picture, though -.-


  1. That must be Bunnylove's clone. It's a glitch were two of yourself show up on the screen. They're EXACTLY like you. It's pretty cool I wish I could get the glitch!

  2. bunnylove3 aka Whitestar02 January, 2012

    haha so thats what u were talking about xD yeah that happened to me before i saw someones tuck like that. I like to call them "Phantom Runners" like ghosts of aj characters that just keep running and running in place for eternity (or until ya refresh the page lol)

  3. lol, i just realised this was the first DCP post of 2012 D:
    sorry darling, wasn't thinking when i posted it!


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