Thursday, June 28, 2012

This Is Embarassing....

Uh Hey Guys... Everyone Must Of Disappeared... No Wonder... I A Terrible Blogger xD And I've Been Gone When I Promised To Be Back.. But Look At Me Now A Total Dumbo For Leaving xD I Miss Me Friends And Of Vacation It  Felt Like I Was Stabbed With A Knife Repeatly Cause Of What A Terrible Friend I've Been To EVERYONE On AJ. I Promised To Be Back FOR GOOD! And Here I Am Crawling Back... Its Embarassing... Painful... I Feel Like Crying Tears Of Joyousness If Thats A Word xD I've Been Caught Up In Movie Star Planet Which Made Me Forget... The Best Friends  I Could Have Were Paigeh,Bunnylove,Woodswolf,Millicy,Roxy! I Doubt She Remembers Me Even! BUT I BACK!!!


  1. i was considering posting, but i was curious what you would do ;)
    and you know i've got your back!

  2. Eh If I EVER Leave.. Email Me Cause I On Email 27-4..Wait I mea 24-7 xD Derr If Theres A Time We Can Catch Up On AJ TELL MEH!!

  3. did you really just tell me to email you??? /).-
    get on now? its 12:00 my time...

  4. nah its cool. how about 11 my time on the thirtieth?


1.Be nice.
2.Try to stay on subject
3.Dont have something nice to say DONT SAY IT!
I will enforce this.I WILL ban those who break these few rules time and time again.