Tuesday, November 20, 2012

What I'm Thankful For~Challenge Entries

Hai guys! I have some contest entries for ya! 
Tricker2's Lovely entry
You stole my style AND PSE 8.0 disc. Whatcha have to say for yourself?! Lol just kidding C: You have learned well from ME xD
More entries coming soon
~Thanks Yuh For Entering It makes me know SOME people are still here~


  1. aw! i love it, thats really great, trick! I find it hilarious how u and dalrz draw very similarly! mind if i ask if u did the background, with all the leaves? but i do like it a lot :3
    I'll get mine posted today! DX

  2. Ikr?She taught me everything I know. She made me practice throughout fith grade. Lol thanks.
    Its a program that Darling has .o. Photoshop elements 8.0. Its some special brush deal C:


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2.Try to stay on subject
3.Dont have something nice to say DONT SAY IT!
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