Thursday, January 17, 2013


Hey jammers! Sorry I haven't uh... Posted... In... forever... So much for resolutions... Heh... Well today is DCP's B-Day.... but nothing kills me more about what I'm about to post...
The birth of DCP... will... also be the death...
I'm soo sorry guys but... I've tried. I've truly tried. I thought I could make the commitment... But I couldn't. And I can't devote my time either... It pains me to say goodbye... So lets make it a good one...
I have a few reasons other than the ones listed above.
AJ Is getting tedious...
I now play TFM
I re-joined my RL besties on MSP
I have to keep up on dA
And homework....
And basketball...
So please... Paigeh PLEASE try to join me on one of those sites.... I can't lose another friend..... <3 Never again....
So happy Birthday DCP..... Happy birthday....


  1. I tried TFM, didn't know what i was doing, got tired of everybody yelling at me, so i left.
    I guess i could try MSP, but it doesnt seem like my kind of thing.
    Darlz, we have a backstory. I won't let that go to waste.
    Please respond to this, we'll figure something out!

  2. made an account.
    paigeh52 as usual. I'm not liking it so far DX

  3. D: Its okay I'll get on Aj. Once a month. The second Tuesday of each month. aT 7:00 CST It kills me to say farewell


1.Be nice.
2.Try to stay on subject
3.Dont have something nice to say DONT SAY IT!
I will enforce this.I WILL ban those who break these few rules time and time again.