Friday, June 24, 2011

A fun pet party!

Hey guys!In order to celebrate pets,Me and Grand FutureWolf,along with poshi6 and some other poeple had a GREAT idea!PET PARTY!We played with our pets and made them talk by doing this WaterSky:Hello!
YellowCat:Hwi!It was so fun I got a pic of me and Grand doing it together!Except he had his dog not cat.Next we moved it to Club Geoz!Where everyone met up!It was a blast!I got A picture in Club Goez as well:
After that we played pet copy cat!it's when you look like your pet!Mine was lame.Grand's was good!Here's what we looked like!
I wished more people had come : (!But it was still a blast!


  1. Note:
    I got rid of that dog for a new frog and another dog :)

  2. bunnylove325 June, 2011

    party looked like fun ^.^
    i wish non members could have pets!


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