Hey jammers.I'd just like to announce that sign ups for LoL are closed.Also,I'm having mod and columnist sign ups!We only have one columnist so far.And since I'm going on vacation soon,that means we need as many as we can get!Either that or we can just take a short brake.Anyways mod sign ups
My name is ___ and I would like to be a DCP mod!And if I don't get picked there will always be next time.
Thank you Darling!
This is the columnist sign-ups.
My name is___.And I would like to be DCP columnist!My email is___.If I do not get chosen I will know there will always be next time!
Thank you Darling!
(NOTE:Most people who sign up to be a columnist WILL be picked.Not all mods will be picked and also if you don't want to share your email,just email it to me!My email is darlingsnowypaw@gmail.com.
Ta-Ta Jammers!
My name is bunnylove3 and I would like to be a DCP mod! And if I don't get picked there will always be next time.
ReplyDeleteThank you Darling!
Okay!You're up on the list.My limit for mods are just Seven so far theres three!
ReplyDeleteSo there will be seven mods? How many comumnists?
ReplyDeleteSeven mods,and I'll go about...10 columnists.
I sent you an email about being a columnist!It should be there if not,I'll find another way some how!: )