Sunday, December 30, 2012


Hey guys! Sorry haven't posted! I have been confined it my aunt's house WITHOUT A COMPUTER -dies- But I ish home. For now -.-
Anyways I was gone a very long time. But SERIOUSLY.NO.FREAKING.Update. It kills me. .-. But I'm expecting some muccchhh more epic in the next update. Will AJ finally get back on its origin purpose? And what do I mean by this? Will it be as planned when I was in beta? Or will it seep farther away,losing everything it was about?

1 comment:

  1. Alright. Im so tired of everyone moping about how much AJ has changed. its made for little kids. We grew up. Our opinions chanhed. The site changed. Us older kids dont like the changes.


1.Be nice.
2.Try to stay on subject
3.Dont have something nice to say DONT SAY IT!
I will enforce this.I WILL ban those who break these few rules time and time again.