Friday, December 7, 2012


Hawlooo! There's a new update!
I was right! They brought Gingerbread houses back! And as you already know well, they daily gifts!
Quick Reminder For The Party~ Go To The Post Below! Also while on that topic~ I may not be be able to come. Cheer camp Make It Take it  and Old Fashioned Christmas is ALL ON SATURDAY!! Goodness expect it to be delayed. Anyways the update!
AJ  Is Prepping for Christmas C:< Giftwise in AJ Outfitters, have some keychains stickers and posters you Aj-crazed people! To be honest I really don't like them BUT END OF THAT STORY! Shaman spotlight is on Peck! YAY! xD I Love Peck xD! Reindeer are back! The Monthly gift is erm... Oh yes! Gingerbread treehouse.. AND GINGERBREAD HOUSE?! Gasp! Two in one! -runs to mom and begs for membership- .o. ahhhhh sweet Jammailidays.... -flashbackssss-
Have a wonderful Christmas! Go give your relatives a hug if they were in World War II!  For those who didn't know it was memorial day for it! Dx My grandpa died in it. Did any of yours? .o. Anyhow!

Merry Christmas!!

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