Tuesday, September 27, 2011

New mods and mod list!

So I have a short while on here before I go off not and blog for a while....So I decided since Nyan doesn't really interact with DCP He will no longer be a mod...Instead I have Claska as a mod replacing him.And there's one special add on to the list....
BIGCATSFOEVER!Congrats!Also here's the new updated mod list!
photo edited for free at www.pizap.com
Hope you guys like it : ) Ciao!


  1. bigcatsfoever27 September, 2011

    OMB thank you thnk you thank you!! !!!!! This never happened to me before thank you so much!

  2. Woah that new list looks AMAZING! ....i just cant stop staring at it! lol

    Congrats to the newest mods! glad to have ya on the team =)

  3. @Bigcatsfoever
    :) No problem!You're one of my great friends that I KNOW I can trust!
    xD I made it on Pizap putting border after border after border after border....Non-stop!And it ended up at about 41 borders....And The background took FOREVER to find...So Glad you can't stop staring,It's not half bad really...

  4. bigcatsfoever28 September, 2011

    I can't stop staring at it either.
    @Darling Snowypaw
    Oh yes you can really trust me. One time Mayksufi had the trading glitch. She said to me "Can I trust you if I send the items on my trade list and you send them back?" I said "yes" Once I got them I sent them back.


1.Be nice.
2.Try to stay on subject
3.Dont have something nice to say DONT SAY IT!
I will enforce this.I WILL ban those who break these few rules time and time again.