Tuesday, September 6, 2011

siiiick oooooof iiiiiit!

gah! every time I go to telaport (however you spell it) to to a friend, it says they're in Jamaa Township. Then, i click on it, and it takes me to Mt. Shiveer! Only then will it tell me where they really are, and actually take me to them. I hate doing this every time!!!! I want it to stop! D:<



  1. Lucky!

    Every time I teleport to a friend, it says they are in Jamaa Township... So I click the teleport button, and it goes to a "Joining Server" screen. The music from the last room I was in still plays, and it doesn't load... I sat there for 5 minutes, and still nothing... Sometimes, I get a message that says "Login error! Refresh the page to try again."

    It does that 95% of the time... It is SOOOOO annoying...

  2. It is so annoying right I have both of your problems!


  3. Medieval sunnygem07 September, 2011

    isn't that annoying?The same thing happens to me too!

  4. I have the porblem you have, Blossom! It drives me CRAZY!


1.Be nice.
2.Try to stay on subject
3.Dont have something nice to say DONT SAY IT!
I will enforce this.I WILL ban those who break these few rules time and time again.