Saturday, September 10, 2011

Thanks Guys : )

Hey guys this was an Awesome Party!I'd like to thank Fun and Paigeh52 for making it even better!Paigeh got me a cream glove and bunnyhat.Fun got me a fountain and ear muffs.Clover ear muffs : D
 Here we are messin' around!

These were my presents from some people or at least the ones I took pictures of.
I ALSO got a video


  1. Aww...I MISSED IT! Happy birthday, though! Urg...(to myself:D)

  2. Nah It's okay!And thanks!I would have missed it too If I didn't look at the time on the TV hehe!I will maybe have one on my REAL birthday too for everyone who missed it!

  3. if you do, ill be there! again! XD

  4. Hey It looks like you guys had a ton of fun! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARLING!! Very VERY...very Sorry i could not come i was gone all day and got back at 6:00. ='(
    I will send ya a present! ^.^

  5. Medieval sunnygem11 September, 2011

    Awww.Missed it because we were going to my aunt's new house.I'm sorry.:(


1.Be nice.
2.Try to stay on subject
3.Dont have something nice to say DONT SAY IT!
I will enforce this.I WILL ban those who break these few rules time and time again.